Nasi Eksperci

Podczas naszych programów zapewniamy wybitnych naukowców i praktyków z bogatym doświadczeniem w międzynarodowym środowisku. Współpracujemy z ekspertami ze światowej klasy instytucji akademickich takich jak IMD, Mahindra University, MIT, SRI International, Stanford University, University of Oxford, którzy są wybitnymi specjalistami w swoich dziedzinach i posiadają kwalifikacje zdobyte na najbardziej prestiżowych uniwersytetach na świecie. Wnoszą do programów wiedzę i istotne doświadczenia praktyczne, dbając jednocześnie o najwyższy, światowy poziom naukowy każdego programu.

Sameh Abadir
Adjunct Professor of Leadership and Negotiation

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Negocjacje, Zarządzanie konfliktami, Zarządzanie kryzysowe, Przywództwo

Paolo Aversa
Professor of Strategy 

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Strategy, Innovation-Related, Evolution of Industries and Ecosystems

Daniel Beimborn
Professor of Information Systems

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Outsourcing Management, IT/Business Alignment, Enterprise Architecture Management

Eric Chen
Expert on PMF, FMF, Business Model, Partner at OVO Fund

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Seed Stage Investing, US / China Startups, Capital Raising including Seed Stage Syndication, Supporting Entrepreneurs, Integrity in Entrepreneurship

Santiago de la Cierva
Lecturer on Managing People in Organizations

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Communication, Nagotiation, Crisis Management

Steve Ciesinski
Advisor, Board Member, Investor, Lecturer

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Investment, Business Model, Partnership Arrangements

Michele Colucci
Founder of Digital DX Healthtech VC Firm, Veteran Value-add Investor

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Early Stage Ventures, Venture Capital, Healtcare Technology

Margarise Correa
Founder, Diaspora Group BayBrazil

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Brazilian-American Tech&Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Interaction and Dialog Between SV and Other Countries, Cross-Functional Team Leadership

Richard Dasher
University Research Center Director, VC Investor, Board Director

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Innovation Management, University-Industry-Government Interactions, Sustainability and Social Inclusiveness in Corporate Strategy

Ali Ufuk Demarci
Emerging Markets Venture Investor, Deeptech Investor, Impact Investor

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Venture Funds, Fund and Direct Equity Transactions, Deeptech Investments

Patrick Flood
Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Obszar badań i nauczania:

CEO Leadership, High Performance Teaming and Organisational Change​​, Team Effectiveness (especially at senior levels)​

Luis Huete          
Professor of Operations, Information and Technology

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Business Administration​, Service and Advanced Management Organizational Structure​, Corporate Transformation​

Mukesh Jain

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Public Policy, Good Governance, Subjective Wellbeing, Role of Happiness and Positivity in Leadership

Michał Kosiński
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Human and Artificial Cognition, Examining the Psychological Processes in Large Language Models (LLMs), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data, Computational Techniques to Todel and Predict Human Behavior

Radosław Koszewski
Professor of Economic Sciences

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Economics in Business Innovation, Microeconomics, International Trade, Strategic Alliances, Business Training

Maciej Kraus
Partner, Pricing Guru, Lecturer

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Pricing, Sales Strategy, Price Management

Tony Lazar
Chief Operating Officer

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Business Strategy, Product Management, Start-ups, Enterprise Software

Markus Maedler
Senior Lecturer Accounting & Management

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Strategic Thinking, Organizational Governance, Risk Management

Peter Marcotullio
Vice President, Commercial R&D at SRI International

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Business Development, Technology Sales and Marketing, Innovation Consulting, R&D Services, Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Licensing

Lorenzo Massa
Researcher, Professor & Consultant

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Business Strategy, Innovation, Sustainability

Pinar Ozcan
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Technology Markets​

Touraj Parang
Entrepreneur & Executive, Startup Mentor, M&A Advisor, Board Member, Investor

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Market innovation, Mission-driven execution, Mission-critical strategic partnerships

Eric Vel Ploeg
Founding Partner, Board Member

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Venture Capital, Start-ups, Fundraising

Lucien Randazzese
Director at SRI International

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Science & Technology (S&T) Policy, Economics and Innovation Research, Business Planning and Strategy

Alberto Ribera  
Professor of Leadership & Self-leadership 

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Relationship, Management Executive Coaching

Jaume Ribera​
Professor of Operations Management

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Design and Improvement of Operating Systems,​​ Management of Service Operations and Health Systems Operations,​​ Project Management​

Łukasz Rozdeiczer
Lawyer, Negotiator, Mediator, Arbitrator

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Complex and Multiparty Negotiation, Deal-making, Mediation, Arbitration, Smart contracts, Group Purchasing, Cost Optimization, Public Procurement

Michael Siegel
Principal Research Scientist

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Applying Modeling and Analytics to Complex Data System, Using of Information Obtained from Various Sources, Organizational Issues related to Cybersecurity with Specific Interest in Vulnerability Markets

Jagjot (JJ) Singh
Board Member, Investor, Advisor

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Consumer Software, Investments, Partnerships

Faysal Sohail
Venture Builder

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Impactful Investing, Business Growth and Innovation in the Technology and Energy Transition, Start-ups

Roland Stephen
Executive Director, SRI International

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Technology, Innovation, Science and Technology Program Management, Policy Analysis, Program Design and Evaluation

Rajeshwar Upadhyaya
Dean of Academy of Applied Emotional Intelligence (AAEI)

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Leading Change and Transformation, International Management, Change Management, Cross-Cultural Team-Building, Evolving Facets of South Asian Leadership

Ramakrishna Velamuri
Professor of Entrepreneurship

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategic Negotiation

Timothy Young

Obszar badań i nauczania:

Fund Governance and Administration, Mergers and Acquisitions, Technology Licensing and Commercial Agreements

Profesorowie IMD

prowadzący sesje w programach:
Advanced Executive Program, Strategy and Leadership in the Age of ESG

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Executive Education Programs 2024/2025

Executive Education Programs 2024/2025

Poznaj nasze prestiżowe projekty edukacyjne, które przygotowaliśmy wspólnie z czołowymi instytucjami edukacyjnymi na świecie, takimi jak IMD w Szwajcarii, Mahindra University w Indiach i Stanford Research Institute w USA.
Data Rozpoczęcia
Advanced Executive Program (AEP)

Advanced Executive Program (AEP)

Zdobądź nowe umiejętności przywódcze i strategiczne i poprowadź swoją organizację na coraz wyższe szczyty rozwoju.
Data Rozpoczęcia
Advanced Leadership Program (ALP)

Advanced Leadership Program (ALP)

Program edukacyjny Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) to znacznie więcej niż standardowe szkolenie menedżerskie. Rozwiń świadomość i efektywność swojego przywództwa!
Data Rozpoczęcia